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The concept sounds fun, but got quite stuck at the mortar and pestle station, not knowing if i'm actually doing anything it as nothing i did had any feedback of "yeah you did something" and then if i can't crush my plants i can't make the potions right? Hope to see an update to it some time :3


a bit confusing, but seems like a solid base for something greater. The day/night aspect is a nice touch but did not leave me enough time to learn how to brew potions.
My personal feature request is more QoL stuff, like a tutorial and a way to get feedback when we do successfully use the cauldron/collect plants.

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I appreciate you taking the time to play our game and thank you for the feedback! UX is definitely something I'm working on doing better as a developer and will pour more time into it in the future!


I love the art-style! The gameplay is super chill (until enemies spawn) and for a game-jam game it plays really well! 

I'd love for it to have more potions, attacks, etc... There's lots of potential to explore here :)